Alex Turner: not just a musician, but a poet.
It is very rare that a musician has such a lyrical flare as he. Throughout the Arctic Monkeys albums, there have been many a moment of genius: Lyricism that evokes such emotion and narrate a whole story through one line. Lines that have the power to grasp, to hold, to remain: to become, to feel and to summarise. But this post is not about the Arctic Monkeys: It is a testament to Alex's often overlooked solo work.
"I'll wait for you, as if I'm waiting for a stone to stop"
I think one of his often overlooked, yet most shining moments, was the soundtrack for 2010 film 'Submarine'. I may be biased, being one of my favourite films and artists, but the soundtrack is pure musical poetry.
Alex, I would argue, is one of the greatest romantic poets, up there with the likes of Shakespeare, Percy Bysshe Shelley and E E Cummings. He has produced poetic cliches in a new light: a light that does not always view the world through rose-tinted lenses. He captures idealism, but also fantasy and blends them into an energy that evokes hope yet sorrow simultaneously.
"If you're gonna try to walk on water, make sure you wear your comfortable shoes"
One song from the album that I feel needs a special mention is 'Piledriver Waltz'. The track also features on the Arctic Monkeys' 4th studio album, 'Suck It And See', but with the full band. Here, it is stripped back, raw: Alex and a guitar. There is no question, a band can completely transform a track, but there are some cases where a song needs to be felt on a personal level - voice, guitar and heart alone. There is some other instrumental accompaniment in this version of the track, but it is used sparingly and as a tool to latch onto particular emotions and draw them out. Some of his best lyrical work can be found within this track, true poetry of concern, heartbreak and, ultimately, love.
"Tell me how can I put you off when you're a matter of urgency? I have a million things that I need to do, but they're all secondary"
Not only does the soundtrack capture the indie / coming of age genre of the film, but it does so in such a pure fashion. It is not perfect - every chord change is heard, it is far from cinematic and it is raw - but that is what makes it so perfect: A juxtaposition in itself. The beauty is found within the genuine moments. The true capture of heart and mind, seamlessly blended into the most romantic form of poetry since Sonnet 18. Alex Turner is not just a musician; he is a poetic genius, whose works can be identified through their flare and individual style. A musician who is truly one of a kind.