Truth be told, in the last year I have lost touch with music. Sometimes life gets in the way and reality kicks in and has to take priority... before I knew it I realised I haven't posted a bass cover in over a year, or a blog post in 6 months.
The Trusted released their new tune 'Eli' today, and, coincidentally it resonated with me on another level. The melancholic track features a tone to the guitar that I haven't heard from The Trusted before: but one that I recognise from influential indie bands, namely Radiohead. The essence of a twang on the heartstrings was the first thing I thought when I heard the first note from the haunting guitar riff.
The echoes and the electronic effects shares resemblance to that of Muse, Radiohead and Daft Punk, thus mixing these influences with the indie-rock vibe of The Trusted to create a hybrid that is so full, yet portrayed so softly.
I feel a relationship between the instruments: the pain of the guitar, the support and backbone of the bass, the longing of the lyrics and the development of the drums becoming more and more prominent in the song as another backbone.
Something I love so much about this is that it shows the progression of The Trusted as a band, without taking away from their roots: it is so easy for artists to discover a new avenue and speed off down it without considering where they are going or how to get there - I have seen this so many times with countless bands and artists. However, it feels as though The Trusted have found an avenue and are exploring it in a tender manner and venturing cautiously while still sticking to their roots to portray them in a new light, which is highly commendable. I, for one, am really excited to see where the band go next on this journey
In the meantime, music like Eli is the kind that haunts, shadows and empathises. The kind that stays with you through every emotion, like a soundtrack to life. The lyrics are relatable yet ominous and begs the question to end, will gravity always win?